Thursday, March 26, 2009

Yay and Stuff

So my doctor, who is a lovely woman by the way (aka she listens well), said that I have fibro blah blah blah in my boobies caused from too much estrogen in my system. She took me off my estrogen and sent me straight to the lab for a thyroid test so she can up my thyroid meds because I'm still gaining weight because my thyroid is retarded. Let me say this, the nurse that took my blood was horrid because she jabbed my arm and now i'm bruised. That was the worst blood stick ever. She should go back to school. I'm also on a diet of protein, low carb, and no good stuff. I've got a lot of water retention from the estrogen in my system so once it exits my system some of the weight should come off fairly easy. I might have a chance for my dad to walk me down the aisle instead of roll me. We'll see.

I'm ready for the storms for the next couple of days but pissed that we have a chance for snow Saturday. I guess Grace won't have practice and we will be stuck at the house all weekend. Winter really sucks.

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