Thursday, April 2, 2009


Ok, so seriously, are Sapulpa Public Schools the only schools around Oklahoma that teach correct grammar and spelling? I understand talking with a southern accent if you are an okie. I have an accent. I have friends that have more twang in their voice than I do. I don't have a problem with that. That is part of our heritage. It's part of where we come from. However, incorrect grammar, using words that aren't even words, and basically taking pride in the fact that you sound like a hick and uneducated is completely annoying and actually quite offensive to me. Yes, my father was an English teacher. I was taught to speak correctly in my house or else I was corrected over and over until I got it right. However, my peeve isn't really stemming from that. I just think it is really offensive when people don't take enough pride or respect in themselves to sound educated. TO WANT TO SOUND EDUCATED. The English language was made to be spoken in a certain way. There is a correct way to speak our language. I think it would be really awesome if people would take pride in the language they speak and learn how to speak it halfway correctly so they sound like they made it through their senior year of high school.

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