Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Something Witty

Well, given certain circumstances, I am having a great week. Things with my mother are shaky at best but I have never expected anything more than that since I was 18. I went to St John yesterday and took my nurse aide test for the processing of my application. If I can get my old job back, it will be a raise, more interesting, and i will be a lot happier.

Things are getting better a little bit at a time. The semester is almost over. I think we might be a little closer on getting the floors done in the house. Jeremy and I are working on our relationship and trying to make ourselves stronger. I have no doubts that we will be able to get through the stress and be even stronger than before. It's hard when you both work full time, going to school, you've sold a house, bought a house, had health issues, are planning for a wedding, raising two kids and four dogs (hey the dogs matter), and are trying to be nice and loving toward each other through all of it. I'm pretty sure God is laughing at us. haha you guys didn't think the obstacles would happen yet...joke's on you! It's all good though. We are both fighters and we'll make it just fine.

I am ready for the weekend though. Grace's first teeball game is Saturday morning and I've even got a shirt that says Mom and her number on it for me to wear. All i'm missing is the minivan...*shudders*. After the game, Misty gets the girls for the rest of the weekend. It's Grace's birthday on Sunday and Easter as well and as luck would have it, it's Misty's year to have them on Easter. So Jeremy and I get to think of ways to entertain ourselves this weekend. Maybe he'll take me to the new casino...*wink wink nudge nudge*

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ok I Fold

Ok this is definitely a vent blog if there ever was one. First off, my mother started off my weekend with a bang by purposely lying to me to keep me away from her house. She has it in her head that I'm going to cause issues with one of my stepsisters because I've been so cruel and rude to her at their house before...thats sarcasm just in case some people are wondering. Did it ever occcur to my mother that I might want to see my other sisters? I'm always nice and cordial to everyone when we go out there. I'm waiting on an apology from my mother. She owes me one for lying to me. My stepfather has already sent his apologies. My mother just has a hard time admitting she is wrong about anything. It's so hard for her to act like a mother. I really don't even know what it is supposed to feel like to have a motherly figure. I guess my closest thing to a motherly figure that I have right now is my mother-in-law. That's really sad since I've had like 10 stepmothers. Anyway, enough about that. It makes me ill.

I love Jeremy. I know he loves me. I know he is my soulmate and we are going to be together forever. But he just doesn't listen!!! I can't even count on my two hands how many times this weekend he would ask me a question about something after I had just told him 5 minutes before. And when something is bothering me, he doesn't make effort to talk about it. He sits silently in his recliner, watching tv, letting the problem sit and sit and sit until I've had enough silence and can't stand to be in the same room any longer. Then 2 hours later, he wants to talk about it when I've gone to bed. You know, if he would address the problem right then I might not be so angry later on!! If maybe he paid attention to what I was saying, how I was acting, questions I ask him...he might figure out that we might have a problem! And the problem is that he has stopped looking at me...he just stares right through me...and loses all ability to communicate with me below surface level. And the way he tries to hide conversations...not letting me know what has been said between he and his ex-wife about plans for the girls, times, places...i have to twist it out of him and even then I get barely any detail. Here's a news flash! I'm going to be your wife! I need details of conversations so I know whats going on, whats being said, and how I need to plan! I deserve to know what is being talked about. The less I know and the harder I have to pry, the more suspiscious I will be.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Ok, so seriously, are Sapulpa Public Schools the only schools around Oklahoma that teach correct grammar and spelling? I understand talking with a southern accent if you are an okie. I have an accent. I have friends that have more twang in their voice than I do. I don't have a problem with that. That is part of our heritage. It's part of where we come from. However, incorrect grammar, using words that aren't even words, and basically taking pride in the fact that you sound like a hick and uneducated is completely annoying and actually quite offensive to me. Yes, my father was an English teacher. I was taught to speak correctly in my house or else I was corrected over and over until I got it right. However, my peeve isn't really stemming from that. I just think it is really offensive when people don't take enough pride or respect in themselves to sound educated. TO WANT TO SOUND EDUCATED. The English language was made to be spoken in a certain way. There is a correct way to speak our language. I think it would be really awesome if people would take pride in the language they speak and learn how to speak it halfway correctly so they sound like they made it through their senior year of high school.